Lindsay, thank you so much for that quote. Most of the time I agree wholeheartedly, but I still need the reminder! Even though the demands of my little people can SEEM to be a hinderance, my writing would be totally different (and I don't think for the better) without them.

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I love that Paterson quote, and I guess I need to start hunting secondhand shops for her book because it sounds amazing and encouraging! And thank you for mentioning poetry-that's a good nudge to get back into this with my kids. We went through a phase, a few years ago, where we were on top of poetry reading and memorization, and I really want to get back to that-it's just a matter of finding a good spot to fit it into our daily routine, I think. For reading lately, I've been gravitating towards a lot of fiction, even though I usually read nonfiction. I've picked up some children's literature (just finished Lorelai Savaryn's The Edge of In Between; it was gorgeous) and some works for adults (My Name is Asher Lev was stunning and one I'll be pondering for a while, especially as a parent and as a creative-there's so much to unpack in there).

I hope you have a good stay in Texas! I'm in Oklahoma, so it's not quite as hot as Texas, but it's still hot from sunup to sundown...it makes me very grateful for air conditioning!

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It was lovely to see you in the CLA Zoom! Loved hearing about the children’s writing industry from a former Borders books person. I just got back from the library with The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell, a book that has been repeatedly recommended to me as one of the most underrated Catholic novels. I wish I could be at the evening talks at UST. I had been toying with visiting friends and such but in the end I am needed at home. I enter the MFA in August so I plan on doing the residency next summer. It sounds lovely... but oh so HOT! 🥵

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